AC Question

Al Powell apowell at
Thu Aug 28 20:25:57 EDT 2003

I have replaced the AC system on a 1993 Audi 90 Quattro. I'm using a
used-guaranteed compressor, and replacing dryer and orifice valve.  The
system has been vacuumed and flushed.

My mistake is that the compressor didn't come with PAG oil in it and I
didn't think of this until it had been mounted.  The Audi manual says that
at least 2.7 oz of PAG oil must be in the compressor before charging, and
the total charge is 8.5 oz.

I have been adding oil to the compressor by pulling off the hoses and
carefully adding oil from a squeeze bottle, but have only been able to add 1
oz...which is not enough to start it with.  What to do?

Well, turns out that the configuration of this system is such that I can
pour the remaining PAG oil into the hose which runs between the dryer and
the compressor, and it would flow down to the compressor. This hose is also
the RETURN to the compressor after the refrigerant has gone through the
whole system. Therefore, the oil should be sucked into the compressor
immediately on startup, as it's in the return path. Seems to me that this
would provide the needed lubrication.

My question: would this work to lubricate the compressor, or do I need to
pull it off and fully charge it with oil - much of which is going to leak
out while I mount it? I talked with an AC company today and they tell me it
will be OK, so I'm going ahead with it.  Thought I'd share it in case it
helps anyone else.

If it blows up, I'll let you all know.  I'm having the system charged
Al Powell
Fort Collins, CO
apowell at

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