Servotronic disable?

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at
Mon Dec 1 07:23:30 EST 2003

> > I remember reading some time back a C4 100 owner disabled Servotronic
> > steering assist by removing a fuse.  Can anyone point me in the right
> > direction?  Car in question is 1997 A6Q avant, should be very
> similar to the
> > C4 100.
> Not a fuse, but unplugging the Servotronic relay should do it.  If I
> remember correctly it's located under the glove box and is labeled
> "Servotronic".
> -Ti

For the '94-'97 100/A6 the servotronic relay is located in the underhood
relay box which is on the left side of the cowling.  Position # 16.  Takes
about 10 seconds to do this modification.  The '92-'93 100 had it behind the
glove box.


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