Torque wrench question.

KUNZ,BOB (HP-Boise,ex1) bob.kunz at
Tue Dec 2 09:22:00 EST 2003

I think everyone agrees that extensions on the handle end don't effect what
the torque wrench does on the drive end. The only issue here is that your
extension has to behave like your hand would have on the handle end. In
general, you'll have two contact points with your extension and that adds a
second order complication to the math.

But... what the original question was about was putting the extension on the
drive side (like the 2079 tool does). In that case, there is a
multiplicative effect. See my other post that runs through the math.

'86 5ks Avant
'03 TTQR

> At 06:53 AM 12/2/2003 -0500, Louis A. Mulieri wrote:
> >	My old torque wrench (from '40s) indicates torque in ft-lbs AT THE
> >SOCKET AXIS. If I place an extension on it's handle the indicator retains
> >original calibration no matter how long the bar is extended. The only
> >result of the extension is to need less force at the handle. Do modern
> >torque wrenches read out torque by measuring force on the handle and
> >multiplying it by it's fixed bar length?
> That was what I was trying to say, Louis.  Doesn't matter how LOOOOOng
> your
> torque wrench is, the square drive part delivers whatever the indicated
> torque is.

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