Torque Wrenches

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Tue Dec 2 10:30:55 EST 2003

Untrue, the style of torque wrench, where you dial in a torque and it clicks
once that point is reached, will always click at the same torque,
independent of lever length.
 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Al Powell [mailto:apowell at] 
Sent:	02 December 2003 15:29
To:	Q-List
Subject:	Torque Wrenches

I think a detail that some of are missing (although it has actually been
stated in other terms) is that a torque wrench is calibrated for the length
of the wrench as manufactured.  Whether you have an 18" wrench or a 24"
wrench, they both read correctly for THAT specific wrench.  If you add a
pipe on the end of a torque wrench, you defeat its calibration and render
its scale useless because it is no longer applying force from a point at the
designed distance.  (Aside from that, you'll probably damage the wrench if
you apply excessive force to it by extending the handle.)

Each wrench is designed to read correctly as manufactured, regardless of its
length - that's just part of the manufacturing process and assumptions.  So
adding extensions to a torque wrench is self-defeating because it
automatically makes it inaccurate.

Al Powell
apowell at
1958 Fiat 1200 Transformabile Spyder
1983 Datsun 280ZX Turbo
1993 Audi 90Q
1997 Chebby Blazer
1999 Chebby Blazer

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