Torque Wrenches

Bo Young byoung at
Tue Dec 2 11:24:57 EST 2003

>From my interpretation of this thread, I think the point here is that torque
wrenches don't actually measure torque.  Somehow (and after all this thread
I have a killer urge to take a clicker torque wrench apart) what it actually
measures is the applied force.  The torque scale etched on the wrench is
just the measured force multiplied by the assumed constant length of the

That about right, guys?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Pritchard" <apritchard at>
Cc: "Q-List" <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: Torque Wrenches

> im afraid im having great difficulty with that concept. After all, torque
> a force about an axis at a given distance. As long as you are rotating
> wrench about the axis of the square drive the mechanism will always react
> the same point.
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Todd Young [mailto:auditodd at]
> Sent: 02 December 2003 16:07
> To: Alan Pritchard
> Cc: Q-List
> Subject: Re: Torque Wrenches
> Not true for the "clicker" type torque wrenches. You MUST apply force
> ONLY on the handle of the wrench. Applying torque any other place or
> with a handle "extension" will NOT give you the proper torque.
> Alan Pritchard wrote:
> > Untrue, the style of torque wrench, where you dial in a torque and it
> clicks
> > once that point is reached, will always click at the same torque,
> > independent of lever length.
> -- 
> Todd Young
> 7079 Dawn Ave. E.
> Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
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