2 liter car executive perk (NAC)

Todd Young auditodd at comcast.net
Tue Dec 2 11:41:20 EST 2003

I have to agree with Phil on this one.

How many times have you seen the Escalades (and similar vehicles) 
driving down the highway with only ONE person in them. What a waste. The 
only reason people buy those leviathans is because to them it's a status 
symbol. AND I'm sure they bitch and moan every time gas prices spike and 
they need to fill up the tank.

And to top it off, it's usually some non-driving idiot talking on a 
cellular phone and weaving all over the road or holding up the flow of 
traffic. I can't count the number of times I've seen people driving 
those vehicles that have NO clue where the corners of their vehicles 
are, why do you think so many of these new SUVs come with the back-up 
sensors. It caters to the idiots that buy these vehicles that have never 
driven something that big and don't have a clue HOW to drive it. That is 
also why rollover accidents have become so prevalent in the northern US. 
Once you get a little bit of snow on the road they think they are 
invincible with the big 4wd SUV and then they slide off the road and 
roll it or crash into some other innocent vehicle.

The large SUVs and pickups have their place in our society, but it's not 
with "soccer moms". And yes I speak from experience driving large 
vehicles. I've driven larger vans and pickups with and without trailers 
AND I drove limo for a few years. How many people do you know that can 
parallel park a 30 foot limo between other cars? Well I can.

Phil Payne wrote:
>>Here in the States, a "2 liter car" is an outright insult, not an executive
> perk. People have quit, even gone postal, over less.
> And your gas guzzlers have a maximum speed of what?  On a German Autobahn, a surprisingly
> large proportion of the cars in the outer lane are Audi A4 1.9TDI wagons, averaging 130mph+
> for hours at a time.
>>Phil just *may* have hit upon the reason for the lackluster (I'm being
> *very* kind) performance of the German and French economies (they didn't
> meet EU fiscal requirements, so the EU changed the rules - all the other
> countries in Euroland are now officially pissed off since THEY had to bust
> their chops to meet the rules . . .), especially in contrast with the US
> economy, which grew at an annualized rate of 8.2% in the last quarter,
> which is simply phenomenal.
> But it's not organic growth - it's funded by a transient and unjustified (in an economic
> sense) war economy.
> Seen the deficit lately?  Anyone can spend to a deficit.  A cap of 4% is now running at 8% -
> this is a number you're PROUD off?  It would frighten me witless.
> http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2003-11-30-mccain-congress_x.htm
> "He said growth of spending had been capped at 4%, but it was at least 8% higher. He said he
> will continue urging Bush to veto profligate spending bills. The president has not veto a
> single bill since he took office."
> Heinz, Fritz and Francois say "I worked my butt off and all I get is *this*
> sh*tbox?"
> Joe, Sam and Harry say "I'm gonna get a new Escalade out of this (all six+
> liters of wretched excess!), so watch me hustle!!!!"
>>Capitalism is wonderful . . . especially if you own an oil company.
> And also control the armed forces of the only superpower.  Condoleza Rice had an oil tanker
> named after her - Cheney is up to his butt in Halliburton (still has stock options and a
> payment stream) and Bush has so many oil interests it takes five sides of paper to describe
> them.
> --
>   Phil Payne
>   http://www.isham-research.com
>   +44 7785 302 803
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Todd Young
7079 Dawn Ave. E.
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

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