t44 clutch pedal weirdness

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 2 12:38:45 EST 2003

Looking for help on my '87 5kcstq:  sometimes in the morning, the clutch 
pedal will be close to the floor. After a few pumps, it seems to act normal 
and I'm on my way.

Symptom occurs maybe every other, or every other 2 days, only in the morning 
after sitting for a long time.  It's intermittent--after sitting for 3 days 
whilst enjoying my Vespa, clutch pedal was normal.

Hyd. fluid seems normal; no drippy drip on my left foot.  Car now has about 
200k mi.; bomb, clutch master, pump, hoses, rebuilt rack have all been done 
at various times since I've had it @118k mi. I'd guess the bomb/m.c. are 
about 5 yrs old; rack & pump about 3 yrs old. I'd also guess that the 
bomb/m.c. might near the end of their lifespan?


from chrisdyer at hotmail.com

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