Clutch bleeding

Kurt W. Deschler desch at WPI.EDU
Tue Dec 2 20:03:15 EST 2003


1) remove most of the brake fluid from the reservoir. If you are keeping
the slave cylinder, open the slave bleeder and use this as a first flush.

2) Remove the under-dash tray, lower dash, and air duct under it (8 screws

3) Remove the 2 MC mounting screws. If it is the original MC, you may need
to cut down an allen key to clear

4) Remove the metal fitting at the bottom of the MC. I cut up a soda
bottle so that it would fit around the metal line and catch most of the
brake fluid.

5) Pull the plastic fitting out the back of the MC with the hose attached.

6) Push down the clutch petal and remove the clip and clevis pin on the
end of the cylinder fork


1) Loosen rubber hose so that it is easier to take off when out

2) Remove roll pin or bolt holding in MC. If its a roll pin, use 2ft+ of
socket extensions with a drift held in a socket in the end through the RH
wheel well. Use tape to hold the sockets/drift together. If you are
re-using the roll pin, don't push it all the way out.

3) Put car in 3rd gear and tap the master back. Should come out fairly

4) Remove rubber hose after slave is removed.

To bleed W/O pressure bleeder:

Note: Do not let the reservoir run dry or you will have to start over.

1) Disconnect the slave. Hold your finger over the end of the line and
pump the pedal to bleed the master, using your finger as a check valve. Do
this until you get no air. Once the master is bled, gravity should keep a
small stream of fluid flowing.

2) Open the bleeder on the slave and re-attach the hose. Let gravity fill
the slave and run out til it comes out clean. Close the bleeder.

3) Use either the 2 person push clutch/open bleeder/close bleeder/release
clutch technique or (I used) one of those $5 one-man bleeder jar
contraptions to bleed the slave.

=09'87 k5cstq
=09'88 vw gti 16v

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 SuffolkD at wrote:

> I'll take you up on the instruction offer.
> The how and other BTDT's
> Got any photos?
> -Scott by BOSTON
> In a message dated 12/2/2003 5:33:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> quattro-request at writes:
> From: "Kurt W. Deschler" <desch at WPI.EDU>
> Subject: Re:=A0 more on: t44 clutch pedal weirdnes
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0312021709270.11896 at ccc2.WPI.EDU>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=3DUS-ASCII
> If the level is fine, then it has to be the master. The slave only has on=
> seal so any leaking is to the outside. The master has a plunger and a sea=
> on top. If only the plunger is bad, the fluid stays inside. This is a goo=
> thing since the master is much easier to replace. When you replace the
> master, it is easier to re-use the nipple from the old master than take
> the reservoir hose off. I bled mine fine without a presure bleeder. I  ca=
> provide instructions if needed. Good luck.
> =A0 =A0 -Kurt
> =A0 =A0 '87 k5cstq
> =A0 =A0 '88 vw gti 16v

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