Automaattinen poissaolovastaus:

Antti Piirainen antti.piirainen at
Wed Dec 3 01:06:27 EST 2003

Huw Powell wrote:

>> Just got the same one too, WTF is that?
> It looks like an auto-reply set by someone who was subscribing at his 
> work email address, and is out of town for a few days.

Says he's unreachable due to a business trip for the whole duration of, 
umm... yesterday. But your interpretation was much more hilarious, 
what's a pestilovirus? :)

> It's a fair trade, for every post to the list, you get one in return.

Highly annoying, too.

Antti Piirainen / antti.piirainen at / +358-40-5222772

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