'93 90q

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Wed Dec 3 11:27:51 EST 2003

I think Jon is right though, the 93/94 models have some well documented issues, its good to be aware of them, its fortunate that your 93 has been problem free, but there is a good chance for any buyer that their experience wouldn't be as good.

I had a 94 "sport" for a while that I sold recently, it was a good car for the 7mo that I had it, had a bad leak from the rear seal, I did the timing belt job on it, and it needed a new AC Evaporator which required pulling the whole dash, etc, but "other than those things"...

My main beef was the general driving experience, the motor is a dog (granted, I'm spoiled, but it was really bad), the car drove like it was built for the demographic 35yr old woman, IMHO (generally speaking).

The other problem is that we also have a 95 325i, basically the same car but a BMW, mid size, 4 door, 6 cylinder, etc, which PUT IT TO SHAME.  I finally sold the car, if not just for the moral pretense, that BMW had built such a superior driving car in almost every way to the 90Q.  

Honestly, if you're considering a V6 90, go drive a 325i of the same year, they have come down in price a lot, and the bimmers are very reliable, we've had no major repair on our in over 4 years, just a little maintenence, and that motor, is sooo sweet, puts the 12v to shame.

So I ended up selling it and bought a 90 coupe quattro for a fraction of the price, much better handling and driving car, the 20v motor is much more sporting than the 12v.


>I really can't sit still for this.
>I've got a '93 90S with the V6 and I haven't had ANY problems, except
>for a slight leak from the valley pan gasket. My engine has 140K+ miles
>and it's still going strong.
>Don't judge all '93 and '94 models by a few bad examples.
>Archibald, Jon wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I'd hold out for a '95, a late '95 if possible (AFC motor). All u.s.a. 93-95 90 models are v6's. The early v6's are known for weak head gaskets and oil leaks. In late '95, they made revisions to the lubrication system and lightened the valve train. I have a late '95 90q and I have had no trouble with it so far. Ti is right on with his characterization of the driving character. Not a race car, does not like to be hustled like a 5-cyl., but great as a smooth, torquey, commuter and road trip car. Looks great with h1/h4 or RS2 euro lights. Make sure the timing belt and water pump are up to date if you buy one.
>> Best,
>> Jon
>> '81 5+5
>> '85 urq 20vt
>> '95 90q
>>   Message: 9
>>   Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 17:27:39 -0800
>>   From: "Chris Dyer" <chrisdyer at hotmail.com>
>>   Subject: '87 5ktq vs. '93 90q
>>   To: quattro at audifans.com
>>   Message-ID: <BAY1-F112fWXWzRPTNZ0000323c at hotmail.com>
>>   Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>>   I currently own a '87 5ktq w/about 200k mi. I've had it for 5 years now,
>>   good car.
>>   ANYway, a '93 90q came up for sale near me, looks like a good car. Any
>>   owners of said model want to clue me in on pros/cons vs. my type44?
>>   (acutally, I already know the pros/cons of my car!) Things to look out for?
>>   Great aspects? Anecdotes? I'm attracted to it because it's newer, is
>>   turbo-less, smaller (easier to park!), and still a q.
>>   Is this the v6 model, or was that a later year 90q? Also, any 90q
>>   enthusiasts' web sites?
>>   Thanks!
>>   Chris
>>   from chrisdyer at hotmail.com
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