mikemk40 at
Sat Dec 6 12:02:27 EST 2003
i thought touching the phone was allowed, holding
--- Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote: > At 2:57
PM +0000 12/6/03, Jim Haseltine wrote:
> >December 1 2003 - new British law comes into force
> making it illegal to use
> >a handheld phone while driving.
> >
> >Sounds sensible enough doesn't it? If you want to
> use your phone you either
> >get a hand-free kit or you pull over and stop.
> Actually- no. You have to pull over to answer,
> period, unless you've
> got voice recognition or something. You can talk
> all you want while
> driving, but you can't touch the phone- the second
> you do, you
> violate the law.
> The Register noted with considerable consternation
> that wireless
> companies have been using the publicity over the law
> to sell
> handsfree kits which they imply are enough(or all
> you need to do) to
> comply with the law. It's simply not true; hit the
> "answer" button
> on the phone while the car is in motion, and
> congratulations- you've
> just done something illegal.
> (skip down to "So what does it all mean")
> Frankly, all legislation everywhere thus far misses
> the point
> entirely- the danger is the actual conversation,
> because people
> develop tunnel vision of a sort when talking on the
> phone. It's not
> the same as talking to someone in the car-
> university studies have
> shown that passengers are usually very aware of how
> the driver is
> acting and how busy they are...and the situation
> outside. Coming up
> on a rotary? Conversation stops until you're back
> on open road,
> whereas the person on the other end of the phone
> will just keep
> yakking away.
> By being all friendly and pushing hands-free kits on
> everyone, the
> mobile phone providers and companies have made it
> nearly impossible
> to get a total ban; the argument will now be "what
> we've done is good
> enough; we already have something, we don't need to
> do more".
> Brett
> (Not in the UK, but The Register is one of my
> favorite IT news sites-
> especially the BOFH series)
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain
> temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben
> Franklin
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