
Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Sat Dec 6 12:38:02 EST 2003

I have been trying to get a hands-free set that my wife can use for her
phone. So far, we have been through the ear-bud (she doesn't like it in
her ear like that), the single-ear-covering-headphone-style (whch broke
after she used it a couple of times) and the FM-frequency kind (which was
too flimsy and her phone would not stay in it). I saw one in the
Brookstone catalog recently that may be the ticket - it attaches to the
metal headrest supports and plugs into the phone. There is a microphone on
one side and a speaker on the other - it crosses horizontally behind the
headrest holders. Runs on AA batteries. Looked interesting. May try to
find it cheaper than the $99 they want! I use an earbud personally without
difficulty, but generally just let my voicemail answer when driving.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA 
--- Jim Haseltine <jim_haseltine at> wrote:
> December 1 2003 - new British law comes into force making it illegal to
> use
> a handheld phone while driving.
> Sounds sensible enough doesn't it? If you want to use your phone you
> either
> get a hand-free kit or you pull over and stop.
> Thing is, on nearly every journey I'm now encountering cars at the side
> of
> the road with their hazzard lights flashing and the driver on the phone.
> These people obviously haven't got the sense to realise that they are
> supposed to pull over somewhere that it's safe.....
> Jim Haseltine
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