Driving across the country...

Joseph Hollinshead jhollinshead2001 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 15:11:54 EST 2003

Hello all!  I am finally back online after a long, yet wonderful drive from back roads of Northern Minnesota to CT and then down the east coast to Boca Grande, FL... For the most part my 1993 90 csq handled like a dream. A bit sketchy with dunlop A2's in the northern snows and wet slush, but didn't want to have winter tires in the southern climates.  In all from my original start in San Francisco, I logged about 7k + miles with only small issues to contend with like a dead central flap motor, and a non holding cruise control, and a nail in the tire.  However, I did have two concerns to inquire about.  Ever since getting my timing belt/water pump changed aprox 20k ago, the car has run warm/hot, with the temp guage often climing close to the "two dot" range even in 50 degree weather.  This usually happens when the car is idling or in bumper to bumper traffic, but drops when back at highway speeds.  This really scared me going Utah and I had to stop an let the car cool down.  any ideas on how to get the car to run cooler?  This is a big concern now that I am in the southern climates.  The second problem is a bit of speed wobble that has developed and is very pronounced at 45-55 mph. I can hear a slight shudder (in the right tire I think) even when driving slow and straight or coming on to an on ramp turning right. I haven't hit anything and the alignment feels pretty straight.  Any ideas?  The final question is: does anyone know a good mechanic near the Sarasota/Ft Meyers, FL areas? You never know...

Enjoy the winter, I already have :)

1993 90 csq 163k

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