4000 Door Handles

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Dec 9 12:37:04 EST 2003

Replacements available at
http://www.audiquattroparts.com/Body%20Parts/door_handles.htm      Also
check out Blau's tech tips on keeping door handles alive and well.  Just
takes a little regular lubrication.  Sometimes, when the handle won't
activate the latch release, you can bring the handle back to life with
proper lubing of both the handle assembly and the latching assembly.  What
I do on the 4kq's door handles about three times a year is spray a little
lube into the handle itself between the lever and the outer handle rim (I
use a tacky spray that includes some teflon), then I take the rubber
grommet out of the door edge and spray some in on the linkage and I finish
with spraying into the latching assembly.

At 10:18 AM 12/9/2003 -0500, Dave Nuzzo wrote:
>Anybody know if the door handles are interchangeable from side to side?  My
>drivers door will not open from the handle on the outside anymore.. :(  I
>have yet to take it off to see if there is something obvious that maybe came
>apart.  Is this a common problem with older Audi's?  Mine is an '87.

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