3" exhaust built - pics here

Timmmy quattro at inspirinium.com
Wed Dec 10 09:08:13 EST 2003

Morning Javad

Well....Bummer....and it looks so pretty, and the theory is great, but it
seems like the general concensus points to my removing the wrap   :.(

So I will be getting out the snips this weekend.

So here's another question for yall then;

the downpipe - is the O2 sensor housing cast iron or cast stainless? I
thought it was cast stainless as there doesnt seem to be any real
corrosion at the joint to the stainless downpipe as I would have expected
from welding stainless to cast iron.


> I absolutely agree with Jim, that exh. manifold will disintegrate into
> powder
> in about 8 months with that wrap on it, BTDT.
> Javad
> In a message dated 12/9/2003 3:34:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> jeg1976 at yahoo.com writes:
> Looks good!  I hate getting and giving news like this,
> but.....  You might want to take the wrap off that EM.
> I can't even describe how fast cast iron will
> disintegrate from that stuff.  This goes for the cast
> iron part of the DP as well.  You can wrap everything
> back from there because it's stainless though.  If you
> plan on taking the EM off in a year for a header
> upgrade or something, than I'd just leave it on:)
> HTH,

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