CIS help

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Wed Dec 10 14:15:21 EST 2003

>It could well be a good diagnosis, but I have seen this phenomenon after
>the injectors were replaced and traced it by swapping the injector lines at
>the fuel distributor, tracing it to a problem with the distributor itself.
>After running several cans of Techron through the car in rapid succession,
>I think that one of the piston/ barrel assemblies became scored by either
>the Techron or whatever the Techron released... Its great stuff, but can be
>The car would miss on one one cylinder at idle, and start to fire at
>1500-2000 rpms. Pulling all injectors and putting in a pan, it was clear
>that the flow threshold was dependant on metering plate position. When
>swapped at the fuel distributor, the problem stayed with the fuel
>distributor outlet, not the injector.
>Replacing the distributor with a used one fixed it up, good as new.
>Good luck.
>Mark Woodland

Agreed that the distributor may be the problem.  I have not swapped injectors on the fuel dist lines yet, as it was getting late last night.
I'm going to go ahead and replace the injectors this afternoon, then if the output does not equalize, I will change the fuel distributor.

I'm thinking that it's most likely the injectors though, as the two that start firing first also seem to leak a bit when the fuel pump starts (on the output test).

Worst comes to worst, I'll have a brand spanking new set of injectors in my car.  That can't be all bad, right? : )

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq x2
87' 5kcstq
93' 90CS
83' 944

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