Audi coupe 1990 20v coupe abs problem

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Wed Dec 10 15:28:43 EST 2003

Before you get around to finding the problem, pull the fuse or otherwise
disable the ABS. As it stands right now, it's dangerous to drive with it

Brady Moffatt
urq, 4kq, Z

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Fred no

HI i have a problem with my 20v coupe quattro most of the times when i apply
the brakes the antilock engages while wheels are still truning... This
results as less braking or no braking at all sometimes... this is very scary
pumping the brakes sometimes you can find a hole where you can go tru the
abs and actually brake. No wheels lock when this happens (while pushing like
a maniac) sometimes slow sometimes fast.Pretty scary went thru a stop today
on asphalt...  dint want to brake..
Anyone that had similar problem or could help me out?The bently has almost
no information on this subject only how to use the bosh abs tester witout it
theres nothing useful to help me test anything. The only thing i can do
right now is maybe visually check the teeth on the cv joints... and the

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