ignition coils fir 5 cyl.

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 10:08:30 EST 2003

--- Chris Perry <cgperry42 at msn.com> wrote:
> Very cool and out of site so the install looks
> cleaner!  I like it.

Thanks, I'm actually going to ditch the timing wheel
and go to flywheel triggers when they come out.  Most
of the testing I've done with this install is almost
done, so hopefully soon I'll have everything
repainted, and make everything more permanent part of
the motor.  

> Chris Perry
> 89 90q (taking notes)

Just so you know the car makes me giggle everytime
drive it.  It's been especially fun past few days with
frozen ground and summer tires on the car, makes for
some easy slides around corners.  To bad the snow's go
on tomorrow:(


Jim Green
'89 80q slow
'89 90tq fast, really fast

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