The ultimate garage: super glue first aid

Bob DAmato bob at
Sat Dec 13 16:23:47 EST 2003

Im a bit of a klutz and have had more stitches than frankenstein. Ive 
worked on projects in my garage that have required more than one trip a 
day to the ER for stitches. Ive used everything from electrical tape to 
duct tape to doing my own stitches (not recommended!) ouch.  Finally my 
doc gave me a box of 'derma bond' its the medical version of superglue. 
Stuff is amazing, doesnt hurt and really stays along with sealing it so 
no more grease gets in.  You can actually find it on ebay once in a 
while too.

Ed Kellock wrote:

>I just heard of this method of first aid a few weeks ago.  Two guys I work with swear by it.  Makes sense, although one guy said he put the super glue in the wound instead of using it to keep the wound closed.  That sounded a bit scary to me, but he's still got all his digits...
>Colorado Springs
>From: Todd Young <auditodd at>
>Date: 2003/12/13 Sat AM 10:57:03 MST
>To: mike <mikemk40 at>
>CC: quattro at
>Subject: Re: The ultimate garage
>I'll second the superglue!
>Works great to seal up those pesky cuts so you have to worry less about 
>Apparently, some doctors now use a "medical" version of superglue 
>instead of stitches. Less scarring.
>mike wrote:
>>i get by with zip ties, paper towel, insulating tape
>>and superglue
>> --- Nate Stuart <newt at> wrote: >
>>Anybody mentioned a first aid kit yet? Perhaps I'm
>>>just a lil accident
>>>prone, but still probably a good idea to keep
>>>'89 90tq
>>>'88 90q
>>>Scott Fisher said:
>>>>In addition to what's been said, here are some
>>>>observations I've made while working in a
>>>selection of
>>>>garages, my own and friends', over the years....

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