O2 sensor removal problem.

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue Dec 16 01:21:39 EST 2003

Most home centers Home Depot:
For a few bucks more have MAPP gas which burns hotter than propane.
Both are CHEAP.
Heat the pipe with the threads not the O2 sensor. (Swell the outer pipe not 
the inner sensor trapped by threads.)
My brother in law did my O2 sensor by hand.  He used the shortest extension 
on the socket he could get on over the sensor.  The ratchet wrench should be as 
long for leverage as you can fit into that spot.
If you have a generic O2 sensor socket with a split in the side, use a band 
clamp around it to keep it from spreading.HTH -Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 12/15/2003 1:31:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
quattro-request at audifans.com writes:
My husband still cannot get the O2 sensor off his 87 Audo 5000

> He has tried everything (including propane) of the sugestions, except an 
> acetalyne torch and the better quality lock freeze.   The cheapest torch he 
> could find was $250, so maybe he can rent one.    Will kept you updated.

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