Vibration in drive-train?

David Torrey David.Torrey at
Wed Dec 17 14:05:05 EST 2003

My '93 100 CSQ avant also has developed a mild vibration that I feel in the seat.  I have no split CV boots but I can hear the front disc pads making contact with the rotors when braking.  The pads are new but the rotors are original.  I wonder if the rotors have exceeded their wear limit and may be out of balance.  They are not scoured however.  Just a thought.  Oh, the vibration is present even when  not  braking.


David Torrey

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 01:43:54 +0100
From: "Phil Payne" <quattro at>
Subject: Re: Vibration in drive-train?
To: <v6-12v at>, <quattro at>
Message-ID: <000e01c3c47b$f3dd6460$c4e0fea9 at>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

> My neighbour has a 1995 A6Q... he has noticed over a month ago that one of the outer CV
boot's has been torn.  A week ago he noticed that at full turn, it is now clicking.  A few
days later, he noticed a vibration in the drive-train -- transmitted into the driver seat --
not the steering wheel.  The next day, the vibration got a lot worse, it is severely
exaggerated when accelerating (even slightly).

He ignored a split boot for a month and now expects sympathy?

  Phil Payne 
  +44 7785 302 803


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