quick V8 question

Todd Young auditodd at comcast.net
Wed Dec 17 19:05:44 EST 2003

According to the "official" Audi V8Q repair manual, page 28-170-1, the 
gap should be 0.8mm plus/minus 0.1mm (0.032in plus/minus 0.004in). 
Torque to tighten should be 30Nm (22ft-lbs).

By the way, if anyone wants a copy of the CD I have with the entire 
repair manual in PDF form, drop me $2 via "snail mail" and I'll burn a 
copy and send one out to you. I'm just looking to cover my costs. These 
are PDFs created from an original set of microfiche by someone on the 
QList, I can' remember who.

To find the spark plug gap, I simply opened the PDF and did a "find" on 
"spark plug".

MHLIGGINS at aol.com wrote:
>     We've not been able to locate the specification for the electrode gap for 
> plugs in a 1990 V8 quat. Anyone that has the info available and can forward 
> it to us, please do so. Thanks!
>     --Marty

Todd Young
7079 Dawn Ave. E.
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

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