2004 Calendar [changes]

Mark L. Chang mchang at ee.washington.edu
Thu Dec 18 18:19:32 EST 2003

Ok. Sorry to do this, but it's a work in progress. If you don't know
what I'm talking about, jump to the bottom where it says ---HERE---.

Some listers commented that using a web board would cut down on
discussion on-list, which I think is true. Some discussions were
starting to break out there that would be better served if it were put
in front of the entire list instead of just those that swung by the web
page. So, I removed the forums and put something simpler in it's place.


To recap, we (us on the list, not staff) are thinking about putting
together a 2004 calendar showcasing audifans images. What comprises an
Audifans image, well, is open to discussion. But for me, what we need is
a mechanism by which we can submit pictures for discussion and
consideration in an easy way that we can refer to later.

The new device that does that is here:

Guidelines (only a few):
  * Discuss submissions here, on list
  * Notify the list about submissions so we can discuss them
  * Submit ONLY single images. Submissions that point to entire
    galleries aren't as useful, as we're putting single images on
    calendars, not whole galleries. Pick something you like, post to the
    list, and if there is a gallery of images, post that on-list and
    someone may find something else worth nominating.
  * Nominations must be able to obtain permission for us to use them
    either in an electronic format, and/or in a print format. For
    example, links to audiusa.com images are probably not going to work.
  * The "description" becomes a link to show just that single image URL.
    use it when referring to the image on-list.

Thanks so much, I'm taking the bull by the horns here because I think
it's a delicious idea. I'm not trying to stampede ya'll into one way of
thinking... just trying to get the discussion going in a fruitful


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