
Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 19 08:39:30 EST 2003

I agree, I have never been as concerned about engine break-in since
touring a GM pick-up assembly facility here in NJ - at the end of the
line, they started the truck and rev the crap out of it before standing on
the gas and flying down this short stretch of line where they had off-set
bumps that are supposed to make sure everything is tightly attached! While
we were watching, 3 trucks would not start and the side-view mirror fell
off of one...

Audi content: I asked the salesman and service manager about break-in.
They both said drive it like you plan to with the exception of the brakes
- they advised that I try to avoid slamming on the brakes for the first
500 - 1000 miles, until they bed in. I did that, with the addition of not
revving it over 3000 rpm for the first 500 miles and not over 4000 for the
first 1000. My oil consumption has been negligible for the first 3,172
miles (I have not had to add any, although it is slightly down from max).

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8 T q MT-6
Central NJ USA 
--- QuickAudi at aol.com wrote:
> Don't think that they do, and here's why: I was touring the
> BMW-Spartanburg 
> plant where they build the Z3.  I watched them push the engine up into
> the bay, 
> fill it with all needed fluids (oil, anti-freeze, etc.), then put it on
> a 
> dyno and run it up to 100 mph.  If they can do that, then break-ins
> probably 
> aren't really needed.  

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