What do you do when...

Todd Young auditodd at comcast.net
Sat Dec 20 00:13:39 EST 2003

I have to agree with Brett, Liquid Wrench is so "watery" that it 
immediately runs away from the spot you want it in. I bought some other 
spray stuff (can't remember the brand name) that foams up on the spot 
you spray it and "sticks" better than Liquid Wrench.

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> At 4:49 PM -0500 12/19/03, Doug Yoder wrote:
>>  I have tried liquid wrench
> PB Blaster is, IMHO, much better.  Either that or something made by 
> Wurth.  I found Wurth penetrating grease on the shelf at a Porsche 
> mechanic(who has customers who do very high profile racing- ALMS being 
> one of them) who has let me use his lift once or twice.
> PB Blaster foams readily and wicks like crazy.  Spray on, walk away, 
> maybe spray a little more in 30 min...then try again.  It's even 
> excellent for cleaning up aluminum; I just used it, actually, to help 
> dissolve some really tough deposits on the valves, head, and combustion 
> chamber on our snowblower.
> Brett

Todd Young
7079 Dawn Ave. E.
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

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