2004 calendar

John Larson j.d.larson at verizon.net
Mon Dec 22 01:00:16 EST 2003

I missed a lot of this, but I'm sitting here looking at my wonderful 2004
Audi calendar from fellow lister Matt Daniels.  As good, if not better, than
the 2003 version.  Inexpensive, and a pleasure to look at throughout the
year.  Comes in a CD "jewel box", and requires the operator to manually
change the pages as the months go by. Something most of us have shown the
ability to learn how to do in only a modest amount of time (and without
benefit of a Bentley manual!).  Perhaps Matt would entertain the lists
interest in lister submissions for the next one ................   John

 I talked to some people about making calendars. I can head this up if we
> want to do that part, but first, we'll make an electronic (PDF or
> otherwise) version available.

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