Thanks to the QList

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Tue Dec 23 07:37:21 EST 2003

Yes, Class of '80 (wife Class of '82) and I assume this is a goof based on
their dorm room asignment (Walsh dorm room 504). I also assume 'durb' is a
take-off on her last name. Otherwise I'd think she'd be incredibly

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA
Go Eagles!

--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> I prefer a definition that turned up a little lower in the Google 
> search, from
> "Durb is the closest thing 504 has to an alcoholic."
> Of course, what a "Team 504" is, I have no idea.  Anyone more familiar 
> with BC?  (Boston College, probably)

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