Eurolight conversion adaptations [dialectric grease]

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Tue Dec 23 13:16:00 EST 2003

My dad, an electrician by trade, educated me on the properties of
di-electric grease. 

In his words, this grease will 'enhance an electrical connection where
there is one, and insulate where there isn't one"

Also, it absolutely should not be used on any electrical contacts that
open and close (such as a switch) because it will increase the amount of
sparking when the switch is opened or closed and shorten it's life.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: no1of consequence [mailto:iin10ded at] 
> Sent: December 22, 2003 11:41 PM
> To: kbogach at; audi at; 
> auditodd at; quattro at
> Subject: Re: Eurolight conversion adaptations [dialectric grease]
> i figured i'd chime in here as i just learned a new thing or 
> 2 about the 
> fundamentals of dialectric goo from someone who posted to the 
> ducati list a 
> few weeks ago [you think audi electricals suck?]. he  is an 
> electrical 
> engineer that does power station work and connects electrical 
> doodads for a 
> living.
> according to this guy the proper use of dialectric 'grease' 
> [a bit of a 
> misnomer] is to apply it  before a mechanical connection is 
> made to the 
> mating surfaces of the connectors. because of the very low 
> shear stregnth of 
> the dialectric 'grease', which is a very diferent 
> characteristic from most 
> other kinds of grease, it is designed to smush out of the 
> connection and 
> forms a micro-thin seal at the edges of the connection 
> between the mating 
> surfaces to keep out moisture, maximise conductivity, etc.
> i had always assumed that the idea was to make a goop 
> sandwich out of the 
> connecting surfaces, or to slather the connector in the hopes of 
> siliconing-out any chances of moisture penetrating. using it 
> more like 
> bathroom caulk than a connection enhancer.  its really just 
> to keep moisture 
> and air out of the metal-to-metal connection on a 
> micro-level. i use a dab 
> every time i connect things volted.
> -jim
> <<But from other hand, if the grease works as sealant and is 
> supposed to be applied on top after mechanical connection is 
> established, one will have to use solvent to clean contacts 
> each time he disconnect terminals, before re-connecting.  
> Could be very annoying unless the contacts are guaranteed to 
> be splashed over - then 
> it
> make sense.
> No questions about the usage on spark plug rubber boots.>>
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