Off Topic -->> Parents -- UPDATE

Cat iceisit at
Thu Dec 25 20:56:19 EST 2003

Just wanted to let you all know how the holidays went.    It is a good thing I didn't get a chess set because both of the boys play chess, the older one *really* well.   I was wandering around looking at tools and stuff and I happened to find the most awesome tournament dart set.   Electronic and all.   It was great as they didn't have one, they loved it, and it was a great combined gift for the boys.   I was happy to see that both them and the parents were delighted.   I worried about what the parents will think as well (will it poke their eye out, is it politically correct, etc., etc.).

I liked it so much I might get one for my husband on his upcoming birthday (I saw the *look* he gave it when I went to take it from the car upstairs to wrap it).

Now maybe I can go back to swinging from branch to branch looking for more bananas   ;-)

Cheers,  Cat

^. .^  ~

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