Model ur-quattro

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Sat Dec 27 21:09:27 EST 2003

At 6:52 PM +0100 12/27/03, Phil Payne wrote:
>Having a clear-out and found a 1982 Matchbox model of the ur-quattro, 1:58.
>It's really quite well detailed for its size - LHD with accurately 
>modelled seats, a good
>representation of the propshaft centre bearing, and the number "IN - 
>NA 3" formed on the
>numberplates.  Grey, black spoiler.  The door rings are a little too 
>far back.  Five stud
>wheels, too, though no recognisable Audi patternIt's in "well used" 
>condition - it's obviously
>been played with by a child.

	i got one of these, a blue one, on ebay a couple of years ago.
maybe $8 or so.  i keep it on display, i really dig it.

  Rocky Mullin              | | 

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  The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people
  who count the votes decide everything."  - Josef Stalin

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