cis-e help!!

chris locke clocke at
Tue Dec 30 11:32:52 EST 2003

Hi there Brendan.

Just read this message, and didn't follow the thread back too far.  I've torn down
the CIS-E system several times, and got a successful modification to run it with my
MC motor in my 4k.  If you want to email me back private, feel free, I dont' want to
repeat anything others may have said throughout this thread.  If you reply to Huw and
state what's original, what's changed, etc etc I can probably get you out of the
mud.  If it matters, my MC is around 21.7 psia and the CIS-E does a great job keeping
up with the fuel demands of the engine.


91 2C20VTQ

> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 22:45:26 -0500
> From: Huw Powell <audi at>
> Subject: Re: cis-e help!!
> To: Brendan Walsh <bkwalsh4201 at>
> Cc: quattro at
> Message-ID: <3FF0F4D6.4010501 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> > hi all, I need a few quick suggestions on cleaning up my nightmare.
> > First a little background, I have an '87 coupe gt that originally came
> > with a 2.2. when i bought the car the motor was pretty much shot.
> > Shortly before starting to rebuild the 2.2 i found an 87.5 with a
> > wrecked body and a 60k ng motor. so in went the ng after a good
> > freshening up. Unfortunaley both cars had some parts missing when i got
> > to them. I stayed with the original cis-e wiring (the more complete of
> > the two) but i'm still having issues with cold start
> How much exactly did you swap over?  You can run the 2.3 with CIS-E, as
> long as you don't encounter knocking you'll be ok, but the CIS-E will
> need to have all of its senders and bits swapped over for it to work right.
> Which fuel distributor did you use?
> I would have swapped over the CIS-E3 harness as well, if it were my
> option, by the way...
> --
> Huw Powell

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