Gas prices - was metric tools

Benjamin Weste Pearre bwpearre at
Tue Dec 30 14:11:39 EST 2003

> 78.9 per liter is the worst I've heard M8! I pay the equivalent of $4.77 per
> gallon where I live and I can't fill up the tank without tears coming to my
> eyes.
> You made my day! It is wonderful to know that some poor dude has it worse
> than I do :-)

No, y'all have it much better than I do.  Poor me, I pay about $1.70US
per gallon.  Why is this such a problem?  Because 4 cars in 5 in
Boulder is an SUV, and about one in 10 is some ridiculous penis
compensator like a F350 that shouldn't be allowed to go above 40MPH.
I suspect you don't have such an infestation there.  Lucky bastard.

Cheers :)

Ben Pearre          1990 200TQA

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