Officially back in the fold...

Dave Arkle dave at
Sun Feb 2 01:31:59 EST 2003

HI all;

I did a 900 mile round-trip today and picked up my 87 5ktq. In general,
things are good, but it has an issue that I was unabkle to find info about
in the archives. I'm not sure if all (or any) of the following is related,
but I'll tell all...

1. Not too hard to start when cold, but runs very rough/stalls w/o user
input to keep it going. I know this alone isnt' diffficult but read on...

2. Once warm, it ran fine, except the first timy bit of throttle travel made
it cut out, as if no fuel was getting to the motor. So if you're moving, and
you let off the gas all the way, then barely crack it on, you will continue
to decellerate as if you weren't on the gas at all. THe next nth degree of
input and it woke up, and seemed to be normal. For about 200 miles, this
condition was very repeatable, with no other pathology.

3. I stopped for gas. When I restarted, any accel. input resuted in a
miss/surge kind of thing, and it was independant of accel. position (more
gas didn't help any more). If you ignore it and try to take off, the car
bucks as if you were stabbing on and off the gas. Strangely, in gears 1-3 it
is impossible to make this go away or change, you just slip the clutch/lurch
along. But when you get to 4th and more so in 5th (more load?) it smooths
out, becoming more like the first problem I described above. Also, when
sitting still, if you rev the motor quickly, it seems only to have a bit of
a miss, but if you slowly feed in the gas, you can replicate the miss/surge

Any thoughts on this? I'm sorry for my goofy descriptions, but I wanted to
characterize things as best I could. There are no other symptoms (alt.
voltage is good, temp is normal, etc).

Dave Arkle
DoD #11011
96 Daytona 1200
84 V65 Sabre
67 Buick LeSabre
87 Audi 5KTQ
On the hunt for a race bike...

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