Royal Ford does it again!
Mike Del Tergo
mdeltergo at
Sun Feb 2 17:51:44 EST 2003
From: Brett Dikeman <>
>Nothin' like hand-picking and editing the emails you get from people
>whipped into a frenzy, to slam you point home:
Yet again I hear the sound of breaking glass. And this is different from you
posting to the list about his first article on the subject (and many other
posts) how?
>He even makes fun of the people who accuse him of biased reporting, >which
>he admits to. The justifcation is even better: If he says so >many GOOD
>things about a car company, he's -got- to say a few nasty >things too.
>Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair reporting.
Um, NO he really doesn't. Your first clue is in the first paragraph where
he doffs his cap to all who emailed. His later quote,
"...I have repeatedly heaped high praise on VW and Audi products. (he did) I
felt it only fair to offer harsh criticism in the same venue."
How many times have we seen posts to the list from his column when he raved
about an Audi/VW product? So now he is knocking them, I found the article
worthy if only to let a few co-workers know of the problem and maybe
mitigate the possible downside.
This also means that even if he loved VW/Audi above all others and they gave
him a free A8 every two years (to my knowledge they don't)he is objective
enough to call them on the carpet in the same venue he praised them.
>This understanding of journalistic integrity among 'automotive
>reviewers' is why, for example, "strong engine" is balanced >by "annoying
>cupholders" seems to be perfectly reasonable logic in so >many reviews...
If/when I ever decide to buy a new car, this is some of the info I want to
know. That last line would really apply to my brother in laws "new" 1999
It didn't keep him from buying it, but I really can't get over the blinder,
my way or the highway, mentality still implied on many German cars basically
designed for/funded by, the American market. But I have never bought a new
car and have no immediate plans to do so. I don't know if you have Brett,
but you don't seem to be claiming ownership of any of the Audi/VW cars in
question. If/When you lay down 100% of the sticker price for one of these
babies and have 1,2,3,4 or no failures of this type, (in these conditions)
then I'd be interested in your opinion of how Audi is reacting to the
problem. Till then I'll take my cue from the BTDT's both good and bad.
>Boilin' in Boston,
Hopefully only simmering now, there's lots more on the global plate to
really get you steaming.
chillin in Maine, but not as much as last week.
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