Dummy fog lamp inserts

Mike jester at cfnson.com
Sun Feb 2 13:55:58 EST 2003

Hi All,

I've decided to go ahead on the dummy fog lamp inserts for the 4000.  It
will take about a week for me to set up and produce the molds, possibly a
little more because of the need to create two molds of the damaged lens.

There have been enough positive responses to the idea that I'm willing to
take the risk on the investment for the tooling.

The tooling for the back pieces will take a bit longer, pending a little
research into whether or not I can beef up the locking tabs on the back of
it (and the one is damaged).

I'll probably market the lenses as a complete assembly including both of the
lenses with the backing pieces, as a set of lenses alone, and in a set of
opaque black inserts (cast with the lenses and backing piece together as a
single unit, and suitable for painting).

David, I'd like to hold off on the V8 lenses until I see how successful the
4000 set is.  Unless, of course, we find that there are enough confirmed
buyers to justify going ahead on the project.  BTW, I'm fairly certain that
the price per set that you suggested is close to what it will be.  I'll know
for sure when I run the figures.

TTFN - Mike Jackson
Casting Fool & Son
Augusta, GA  USA

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