Where is the thermostat for the T44TQ oil cooler

Dave C conner at cfm.Ohio-State.edu
Sun Feb 2 23:56:17 EST 2003

What was the coolant temp gauge telling you?
Was the heater blowing hot air?
Why do you think it's a problem with the oil temp thermostat?

I would recommend reading what Scott Mockry says about the cooling system

Scott's info may point towards the coolant thermostat as a suspect.

But to answer your question more specifically .... the oil temp thermostat
is buried underneath the oil filter housing.  I think it would be a >lot<
of work to gain access to it.  I think you would have to remove the housing
and there are some difficult things that would have to be removed before
you could get to it.
Dave C.

Larry wrote...
"On a 1 hr highway drive both up and back in
this near 35 degree weather, my oil temp
barely made 80 C, and this was on the slow
speed (stop and go, spaced out a bit, on the
way to the highway). Once moving, the needle
was barely above 60 C, but definitely off of the peg.

So, I am assuming that there is a thermostat,
and wondered where it is. Anyone know?

If it is in the body of the oil cooler, then I might
as well replace with an aftermarket unit. Any
LL - NY"


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