Uping the boost in a 5ktq...

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 3 10:16:44 EST 2003

--- Stephen Ankney <ankneys at hotmail.com> wrote:

> What are peoples opinion's on these following
> devices and idea's:
> Adjustable air pressure regulator: is this as simple
> as it sounds? Will
> plugging one of these into the signal line acheive
> my boost expectations? I
> have purchased the one from Sears that was suggested
> on Ben Swann's site...

Good start.

> Adjustable Wastegate: I know that this will not give
> me any more boost. It
> will however give me control over quicker spoolup .
> Should I use the 1.8 bar
> spring thats in there or return to the stock 1.4 bar
> spring when using the
> Adj. Wastegate or doesn't it matter?

Yes, this will help hold the wastegate shut while
boost is building, a good cheep mod.  You will also
gain a few psi by doing this.

> I assume that I will have to ditch the IA chipped
> ECU and go to a
> zener/resistor modded ECU due to the 1.8 bar fuel
> cutoff, or is there a way
> around this with the IA ECU? I do have an extra ECU
> so it's not a big deal
> if I have to modify one...

I would keep it for the timing maps, maybe ask Scott
if there is a way to get rid of the fuel cutof

As far as faster spoolup, the adj wastegate, and a
better exhaust is where i would start.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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