stripped bolt, oil leak?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Feb 4 14:38:45 EST 2003

Some of those cover bolts are longer than the others.  I THINK those go
into the oil pump, and are supposed to be installed with a thread
sealer.  Maybe you have one of the shorter bolts in a longer bolt
hole????  I used a Permatex brand thread sealer when I did the wife's 4kq
campmobile TB last summer, and have had no oil leaks.

At 11:41 AM 02/04/2003 +0000, Mike Arman wrote:

>Changed the timing belt last weekend (86 5000), now I have a slight (drips,
>not gushes) oil leak which I *suspect* is from the 6 mm bolt holding the
>right side of the lower timing belt cover. The threads seem stripped - the
>bolt won't tighten fully . . . how much of a PITA is this going to be?
>Open to suggestions . . .
>Am I looking in the right place? The water pump doesn't leak (any more),
>but now, as usual, there are "other issues".
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman

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