80tq: Opinions wanted

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Thu Feb 6 01:17:14 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Josh, I've considered this (for obvious reasons), I"ve tuned the car with a
wide band on the dyno, and generally the mixture is very good, EGT's stable
at about 1500F, didn't have a chance to data log it because you can't really
have a laptop in a car lapping at the track, but that would tell me a lot if
I could.  IME though, this isn't a tuning issue, I haven't really expereince
anything like this that only crops up after lapping.


> Javad, is it possible the ECU is fueling improperly? I know you said
> something about watching the mixture, but  it's possible that if it
> went rich enough, fast enough (as in an overflow in an injector pulse
> width calculation) that you'd have so many misfires that the mixture
> might read somewhat normal? The puffs of black smoke sound suspicious
> to me. Do you have a wideband O2 sensor in that beast? If so, you might
> be able to datalog it, and see what's happening better. I'd be inclined
> to think the mechanical fault in the head gasket is a separate issue.

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