80tq: Opinions wanted

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Thu Feb 6 18:07:14 EST 2003

Yes, the header never gets glowing like the stock manifold, one of the first things that confirmed to me that the header was a huge step in the right direction, even on the track coming in after a sesstion the header/turbo just don't feel that hot.


>--- Mike Robinson <quattrofan at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> My initial thought was head gasket too.  But it
>> looks like you guys already
>> covered that.  Usually, when a gasket goes, it goes
>> completely and won't be
>> intermittent.
>> Another option you might think about is in your
>> turbo itself.  I'll admit I
>> know very little about your hybrid T3/T4 monster's
>> construction.  I have
>> seen K26's glowing after street use though.  By the
>> laws of physics, your
>> increased pressure of 20 psi is obviously going to
>> make things "very" hot.
>Hmm, I doubt it with his header.  I recently did a
>little test going up Vail Pass one night, loaded car
>driving like mad, no water injection, and 15-18 psi
>probably 75% of the time, the other 25% was slowing
>down for turns and waiting for that A4 behind me to
>catch up.  Lister?  When I got to the top I slowed
>down real fast in a pitch dark area, and popped the
>hood to see what the header and turbo looked like.
>Hardly any glowing, just a dull glow at the beginning
>of the downpipe.  I was amaized, I guess that headers
>flowing like a MF! It was bright orange with the stock
>EM in an earlier test.  I can probably lean it out a
>little, but that can wait for the WB O2.
>> Could it be possible that the turbo itself has a
>> small enough crack between
>> the water cooling and oil cooling chambers that
>> there is some cross over
>> under extreme heat when the metal is expanding?
>Could be one area to look at, but once again, I doubt
>it gets much hotter than normal.  That also would not
>pressurize the coolant and make it bubble.
>Jim Green
>'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
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