CGT 5k rpm cutout: Fuel pump relay number?

EBavely veetesse at
Fri Feb 7 15:28:47 EST 2003

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Hello all...

Glad to see the list is back up and running.  I was beginning to think I wa=
s having a problem with the proxy server here when I couldn't see any of th=
e current list postings...

Anyway, my 83 Coupe GT seems to cut out at exactly 5000 rpm and I'm trying =
to track down the cause.  It doesn't feel exactly like an MC turbo engine c=
utting out all at once, but rather more like the engine is bucking violentl=
y and backing off...almost like a rev limiter.

Previously the car wasn't running when I bought it and while fixing it up, =
I replaced the fuel pump relay (the old one came apart in my hands). I imme=
diately thought that the parts place had given me a 4-cyl FPR instead of th=
e 5 cylinder one...

Can anyone verify the number on their 5-cyl fuel pump relay (this car is no=
t CIS-E, btw)?  I believe the aftermarket brand is KAE or something like th=
at and the original Audi number is no where to be found on it.  They should=
 be fairly common since I noticed they're on some of my VW's as well (altho=
ugh they're not the same number part).

If this isn't the problem, any other ideas what would explain the cutout at=
 5k rpm?  Gummed up injectors?  The car runs fine otherwise...


Elliott Bavely

86 4ktq
81 Coupe ITB, 83 CGT
88 80 Fwd
83 GTI FSP, 83 GTI 16V
90 VW Cabriolet

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