MC engine freeze plugs

Chris Semple chris at
Mon Feb 10 18:35:23 EST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Lines Peter

> On the MC turbo engine, there is a freeze plug that has a coolant hose
> nipple.  It acts as the coolant return point for the
> water-cooled turbo.  My
> question is, which position is it in?  (#1 being the front,
> #5 rear)  I know
> it's not #4 or #5 because it would be covered by the motor
> mount.  I'm in
> the process of doing a 4kq turbo.  I started with a KH block
> (air cooled
> turbo, no water line) and I'd like to put the correct freeze
> plug in while
> I've got the motor on the bench.  Can anyone tell me, from
> looking under the
> hood or maybe the family album, which position has the
> coolant line.  Anyone
> know the part number for this special freeze plug?  Thanks!
> Peter Lines

#3 position, from the front. Looks like an 035-103-111B.

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'92 S4
   '87 4000q
        '81 Vw Pickup

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