Boge TurboGas on 4kq?

Dave C conner at
Wed Feb 12 20:36:02 EST 2003

Brady writes ...
" for the 4kq,  I'm having trouble finding the Boge Turbogas shocks ... The
rears I can find (at 170$CDN each(about 110$US)), but the fronts
don't show up on the system. .... Anyways, any advice or part numbers to
share? Or maybe another choice of shock?

I have a Boge catalog.  It lists the following TurboGas pn's for a 4kq...

FRONT  #  32-846-F  (this same part is spec'd for all 4kq, 4ks (fwd) and
coupe GT)
REAR   # 32-920-F

$110 US seems a bit high but may be right because of the limited number of
cars it would fit.

Anyway, if they say they don't have the part for a 4kq, ask if they have
one for a 4ks non-q.
Dave C.

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