Any BTDT Brake MC Reservoir Bushings, '89 200Q MC2

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Feb 17 07:24:03 EST 2003

Wish I could be of more help Larry.  I did replace
mine last? year.  I just went to the dealer, gave the
VIN and got the right ones.  Real cheap too.  I think
i left with change from a $10.

Jim Accordino

--- Larry C Leung <l.leung at> wrote:
> Tried to replace the above bushings and have found
> that the P/N
> listings are rather suspect.
> My car has the round Reservoir, i.e P/N 8D0 611 301
> as opposed
> to the retangular one. This seems to agree with the
> part # split in
> TPC's site. By the P/N, it seems that the split
> occurred with the
> MC2 engine and airbag change in the '89 model year.
> I had received Bushing # 811 611 817   O.D. 24 mm,
> I.D 7mm
>         These fit the MC perfectly. But the holes
> are WAY to small
>         for the Reservoir.
> SO, according to the split, I should get # 357 611
> 817  O.D. 22 mm, I.D.
> 12 mm
> BUT, the V8 bushing (no P/N) has O.D. 24 mm (which
> would seem to better
> fit
> my MC since the 811 611 817 P/N did) and an I.D. of
> 11 mm.
> So, the question is, which bushing should I get? Any
> TIA,
> LL - NY

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