[urq] unique composite parts
Jeff & Jennifer Warner
jwarner6 at columbus.rr.com
Mon Feb 17 11:50:12 EST 2003
I would be interested in all aspects of this project. I'm currently
planning to do body work and paint on my '86 Coupe so this would be the
right time if I could do something different. I would first be interested
in knowing what you would anticipate for a timeframe to completion. I could
be interested in any and all panels or add-ons.
Thank you for starting this.
Jeff Warner
Galloway, OH
'86 Coupe GT
'89 QTW
A reasonable priced SQ hood would have some general interest, me included.
>From: DGraber460 at aol.com
>To: davidb at nwcomposites.com
>CC: quattro at audifans.com, urq at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [urq] unique composite parts
>Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 15:40:03 EST
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>In a message dated 2/15/2003 10:32:52 AM Mountain Standard Time,
>davidb at nwcomposites.com writes:
> > Hello Urq enthusiasts/fanatics?!-
> > My name is David Bergeron and I have been on the List for some time. I
> > purchased my 83 urq from Lynn Speaker a little less than a year ago and
> > pondering what changes/ modifications I want to add to my vehicle( I
> > cannot leave well enough alone). I have noticed several Listers have
> > inquired about composite parts for their vehicles (i.e. hood, fenders,
> > bumper covers/spoilers, air dam, etc..) It just so happens that I am a
> > composite engineer that works for an aerospace composites corporation
> > supplies the Big "B" with parts. That would be Boeing to the
> > Anyway, my history includes building composite Porsche RSR body parts
> > American Lemans Racing Series, Building prototype performance Body
> > for Mopar for the SEMA show, and building composite monocoque chassis
> > specialized consumer markets. But enough about me, The reason I am
> > is to see if anyone is interested becoming part of a design forum to
> > with discussion on styling and function of the parts I am going to
> > My intention is rather simple. To give members of this site a chance to
> > input their opinions in order to build something everyone would like to
> > on their urq. I just want to amortize the cost of tooling, materials and
> > labor to justify the construction of these parts. The more people
> > in this plan, the cheaper the finished parts will be for each user. We
> > even have a vote on which part(s) will be built first. the plan could be
> > forth as follows: 1.) Decide on the part. 2.) discuss the important
> > parameters of the design. 3.)finalize the design through e-mail, sending
> > renderings of the concept. 4.)build prototype on the vehicle. 5). final
> > review of prototype with the forum. 6.) build the tooling. 7.) build the
> > parts. 8.) sell the parts to each person on the forum. Of course, we
> > set up some ground rules so we do not get bogged down in beaurocracy.
> > those also should be discussed. Personally, I think this would be a
> > opportunity for everyone in this group to be a part of this
> > venture/adventure not to mention it would add a greater level of
> > within this group. Of course, this is just the talking/shouting stages
> > this idea. All questions and comments are greatly appreciated. I just
> > to see if there is interest in this. I hope you all find this idea as
> > intriguing as I do.
> >
>Sounds interesting and inticing to me. I'm interested in a hood with right
>(passenger/turbo) side vents ala Sport Q.
>"Good judgment is a result of experience, which is often the result of poor
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Message: 9
From: Alan Pritchard <apritchard at seaeye.com>
To: 'Brady Moffatt' <bradym at sympatico.ca>,
quattro <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: ebay nutbar
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:48:14 -0000
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Hmm, and here is me thinking it is very difficult to convert fwd to
Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard
Network Administrator
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
Tel. 01329 289000
Fax. 01329 289001
-----Original Message-----
From: Brady Moffatt [mailto:bradym at sympatico.ca]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 7:33 PM
To: quattro
Subject: ebay nutbar
This guy must be a politician, 'cuz he said a whole lot of nothing while
painting a pretty yet very impractical picture for the potential buyer.
$5000 reserve!
But at least he has a couple of driveshafts for Dobby to beat his mechanic
over the head with.
Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4kq with 306,000km
86 4kq parts car
72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
92 VW Golf with 194,000km FOR SALE
in early stages of quattrosis accumulatus
Message: 10
From: "Shawn Head" <s4qtro at bellsouth.net>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: Sebring....FOR BOB
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 07:43:15 -0500
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Contact Christian long at relayer at cfl.rr.com he is the president of the
audi club of central florida and also the organizer for the sebring
trackside shindig.
Also here is some additional information.
Shawn Head
Message: 11
From: <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: CGT Trunk release
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 8:04:10 -0500
Yesterday I decided to replace the trunk struts on my 87 CGT. Well, now my =
trunk won't unlock. My guess is that when I had the old shocks off and the =
trunk open, I opened the trunk too wide. The trunk was open so wide that it=
was resting on the rear windshield. So, is it safe to assume that I pulled=
the release cable loose or stretched it? When I flip the release lever, I =
can hear it doing stuff all the way back at the trunk, and I can feel tensi=
on on the release lever. It acts like I'm just not pulling the lever over f=
ar enough, but I am pulling it all the way to the stop. So, how can I get t=
he trunk open to start looking for the loose cable? Any thoughts on what I =
may have done? The trunk release worked perfectly until I opened the trunk =
super wide to replace the struts... HELP!
1987 CGT Special Build
SE Virginia
Message: 12
From: "Christopher Flanner" <cflanner at hotmail.com>
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Very High Idle ISV Problem
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:38:59 -0600
My 90tq decided to act up on the way to dinner Friday night, challenging me
to parallel park with a 3000 rpm idle. The engine is an MC from an '86
5ktq. The throttle valve is fully closed and the idle returns to normal if
the ISV hose is pinched shut. I opened the ISV and it wasn't sticking open
but I cleaned it anyway. It seems that the pressure differential over the
ISV is sufficient to open it. While it's idling at 3000 rpm the vacuum is
about 4 inH2O higher than regular idle at over 22 inH2O.
I don't have a clear picture of the idle air bypass layout in my head but is
it possible that the screw-adjusted bypass is blocked causing vacuum to open
the ISV valve? I tried to blow and suck through the ISV (smart, I know) and
it is very much closed but when the engine runs/idles there is definitely
air passing through it even when it's disconnected (electrically). I won't
mention that I got an oily piece of junk caught in my throat when I tried to
perform CPR on the ISV. Oops, too late.
My ISV isn't receiving any signal but I don't think that's my problem. If
the connnector is disconnected on an ISV it should stay closed, right? I
went through the Bentley ISV diagnostics (which aren't for an MC but most
details are similar) and everything checked out leading to the
recommendation of replacing the control unit. Once again, I don't think
that's related to my problem since having no signal usually leaves the valve
Summary: The ISV moves freely and is normally closed but when the engine
runs, it is apparently open, even though it is disconnected, and causes the
engine to idle at 3000 rpm.
What's going on?????
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