machining 5k flywheel to 200 spec/shape?

DeWitt Harrison Six-Rs at
Mon Feb 17 18:59:09 EST 2003

I think this is worth a shot. The wear surface diameter and axial
location do not change (except you may wish to lightly dress the
surface as required). The ring gear and main timing pin do not change,
the pin being on the unmodified or forward surface. For an MC-1 engine,
the test timing pins on the pressure plate mounting side are not used
so there would be no need to add the x-long pins found on the MC-2
(a.k.a. 1B?) slash 3B flat flywheel.

It seems to me that it may only be necessary to relocate the pressure
plate locating dowels and ensure the pressure mounting holes
were threaded to the correct depth afterward. Since you have
all the important pieces, it would be easy for you to establish that
the pressure plate to flywheel bolt and dowel holes match up by
test fitting the 200 plate to the 5000 flywheel. The dowel and
mounting holes could be drilled to the required depth prior to
machining off the 7 lb. "ring of sloth" to insure precise orientation.

You get an A+ for thinking outside of the box in my opinion.

Cheers and best luck,

DeWitt Harrison
5kcstq w. flat flywheel

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:31:41 -0500, <auditude at> wrote:

> The flywheel from the 200 is flat compared to the dished flywheel of the 5k=
> .  The clutch disk is interchangeable, but the pressure plates are differen=
> t to make up for the change in mounting location.  Instead of the 200 press=
> ure plate being mostly flat like the 5k unit, it is dished to make up for t=
> he flatness of the flywheel.
> Instead of locating buying a 200 flywheel, is it possible to have the 5k fl=
> ywheel machined flat and have the pressure plate mounting dowels and thread=
> ed holes moved reinstalled in the new location?
> I would like to take an example of each to a machine shop and see if they c=
> an do it, but I was wondering if there was any BTDT here on the list for su=
> ch a thing.
> The goal would be to reduce the flywheel weight for quicker acceleration an=
> d such.
> I have one 200 flywheel and clutch kit for this purpose, but I'm building a=
> nother MC'ed car and would like to convert a dished flywheel to the flat st=
> yle if possible.  If it can be done for less than $100, it would be cheaper=
>  to do than to buy another 200 'wheel.

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