CGT Trunk release

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Tue Feb 18 21:51:54 EST 2003

I was under the impression that the two small rubber bumps are there for
pushing the lid up enough to become unlatched when pulling the lever. Am
I mistaken, are these just for alignment?

87 Cq

Huw Powell wrote:

>> OK, now I'm confused. The trunk used to unlock or pop just fine with
>> the old strut. I know, you're asking why did I change the strut if it
>> worked? Because it was an aftermarket one that was about 2" too
>> short, didn't allow the tunk to open all the way, and I'm tired of
>> bumping my head on the trunk. Now that I have the "proper" struts in
>> place I have to hold the lever over while somebody else lifts the lid
>> (or use a scredriver to hold it over). It acts like the struts don't
>> have enough oomph to pop it, but I've been told the lock just
>> releases and really doesn't pop the lid up. So, what's the deal? Any
>> thoughts?
> That is the deal.  Pull the lever, the latch releases, and nothing more.
>  The lid does not move.  But now it should be unlocked, and lift with
> comparative ease (if the struts are good), and of course, stay open.
> Shut it lightly, it stays unlocked, but fully closed.  Shut it firmly
> and it latches.
> I would check the latch alignment, check the cable tension (is it
> pulling far enough?) and lube it all up.
> Any problem you are now encountering with your release has nothing to do
> with the fact that you just changed the struts, although if the others
> lifted the lid a bit when it was released, they may have been masking a
> problem you have now uncovered.
> As I said previously, this all works even if there are *no* struts ont
> he lid (or dead ones).
> --
> Huw Powell

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