
Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 18 14:21:40 EST 2003

I don't tailgate when it's raining or snowing out.
But, on an open 2 lane highway with no other cars in
sight besides you on the left and grandma on the right
and you see some headlights coming on you at over
100MPH, wouldn't common sense dictate to get out of
the way?

Just my 2 cents, but there are a lot of crazy people
out there that think they need to be where they're
going in a hurry.  I live in an urban/suburban area
and you never know who just hi-beamed you and if they
have a gun or even an old control arm in the front
seat with them, so on the side of caution, I move over
when someone's behind.  Better them in front of me
than give them any reason to be provoked in their own

--- Mike <jester at cfnson.com> wrote:
> From: "Jim Green" <jeg1976 at yahoo.com>
> > ... the only reason most of us tailgait people is
> to get
> > them to realize they are seriously in the way...
> Tailgating at any speed over 10-15 miles an hour is
> a hazard, and the more
> so as a vehicle reaches and passes 35 mph.  At 60
> mph, a vehicle is
> traveling at 88 feet per _second_.  Even an
> extremely skilled driver is
> going to take about 1 second to react to the actions
> of the vehicle that
> he's tailgating, and 0.5 to 1 second to brake his
> vehicle.
> So from the thought
> "heylooktheguyinfrontofmeisbraking", to completely
> WELL-MAINTAINED VEHICLE, for a skilled driver is
> about 150 - 200 feet.
> If the vehicle being tailgated stops anywhere near
> 0.5 seconds quicker than
> the tailgating driver...
> Bad weather conditions increase the stopping
> distance geometrically.
> I know that some of us "get in the way" by driving
> at the speed limit, but
> we're probably not going to get out of your way, and
> you won't get there any
> faster by tailgating our vehicles.
> So...
> If you [tailgate] my current car [and involve me in
> an accident], I will
> call the police on my cell phone, report you, and
> file a full report.  Then,
> while you're writing me a check for [$1500.00+] to
> fix my [car's rear end,
> and giving me your insurance info so you can take
> care of our medical
> bills], you can start re-thinking why you [tailgated
> me in the first place].
> :O)
> (See my following post for a lighter note...)
> TTFN - Mike Jackson
> Casting Fool & Son
> Augusta, GA  USA
> http://www.cfnson.com

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