Chattering boost under heavy load?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Thu Feb 20 16:53:50 EST 2003

--- JShadzi at wrote:
> Jim, what do you mean by chattering, like
> fluctuating rapidly between high and lower, what's
> the boost range in the fluctuation?
> Javad

It really only does it in 3rd, 4th or fifth gear as
you pass ~3500 rpms.  Then it will hold steady after
4k or so.  The boost will start rapidly bouncing
between 22 and 18 psi, then level out at 22 psi after
the revs get past 4k.  It's really strage, when it's
doing it I can her the BPV going crazy, literally
chattering away.  I'm going need to make sure it's not
a vacuum port problem, infact I think I'll go isolate
it right now.  It's eating at me.  I'll try and get a
good log of it.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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