Help! How to remove rounded trans plug??

Huw Powell audi at
Fri Feb 21 02:43:36 EST 2003

> I was going to change the fluid in the trans tonite..  Got it all drained out
> and then went to loosen the top plug....   Well, it was tighter than a bull's
> a$$ at fly time and the inside of it rounded out.  Now the Snap-on plug
> remover starts to grad and the turns inside the plug..
> Anyone ever had this happen?  What is the best/easiest way to fix this..

As just mentioned to someone with a rounded fill plug - find a nut that
fits in there, set it so it sticks out a bit, weld it in place and undo.
  The heat/current flow of the welding will likely destroy the corrosion
bond between the steel plug and the alum. alloy tranny casing.

And now you know why everyone says to undo the fill plug first...

Huw Powell

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